Effects of Covid-19 On My Life

A virus is an infective agent that is too tiny to see with the natural eye. Viruses can be harmful and cause diseases. There are tons of viruses that can be found all over the world, so when Covid-19 came to light, I never expected this to have such a large impact on my life. No one tells you that viruses can lead to pandemics, deaths, or social distancing. No one tells you it will take away the end of your first year of college or your friends, new or old. No one tells you that you will lose your job for the time being, people will be scared because so much is unknown, and supplies will start to run low. The thing is that this virus turned into something bigger and something no one has ever experienced before. In the past 2 weeks, while doing remote learning and being bored out of my mind, I’ve had time to reflect. Covid-19 has taken a lot from a lot of people, but during this time it has brought out the best in a lot of people. 

I have given up time with those close to me to social distance so we can sooner end this pandemic. I have also given up the end of my first year of college and have given up working to pay for school. Despite all the bad stuff that comes along with this, I have learned a lot. I learned how much my friends and family mean to me. I miss them all so much and not getting to see them all the time has been much harder than I would have expected. I have learned how much school and my career path means to me. I would do almost anything to be back in the classroom right now. I have learned that I love my job, no matter how tiring or aggravating it can be. Mostly, I have learned not to take for granted all that we have because it can be taken away in seconds. I will work on doing this in the future. 

During this time, I have gotten to see that my family and friends are willing to sacrifice a lot for others. I knew that before, but now it just has been emphasized. My parents are going to work during this time, rather than safely waiting out this virus in our home. They’re both risking their own health by going into work, and not knowing if one of their coworkers could potentially be infected. My friends have given up things as well, such as their high school or college graduations. They have given up vacations, sports, birthdays, and time with others. We have all sacrificed a lot but I am proud to say that all of us are doing it for the greater good. 

The turkey farm has been an excellent example of what it means to put others before yourself. Phones ringing off the hook and swarms of people looking to get food, is what the last few weeks have looked like. My work staying open was a huge sacrifice this family business made. At the beginning of this crisis, the owner made the decision to send all employees home, except myself and a coworker of mine. This included one of my bosses being sent home due to being immunocompromised and the owners going home due to a sickness one was already battling. I was willing to help stay despite the risk it may have been. I worked with customers for hours, wondering if one may be the one to get me sick. It was important to me that I stayed during this time of chaos because people, especially the elderly, were worried they may not have food to eat. I worked 9 hours a day, for many days. Eventually the owners made the decision to send me home, as they wanted to put as few people at risk as they could. The farm is still open as of now, selling what there is to sell. I am proud of what this farm has done to care for those in their community. 

My community is one that I am so proud to be a part of. Here in Massachusetts, things are getting worse and the news has been a bunch of devastating information. Even with all this going on, my community looks out for each other. Most people have stayed home unless completely necessary, people have helped the elderly, and got each other supplies that we are low on. This community has companies donating masks and others at home making them. On top of all of that, Saturday March 28, there was a car parade. People across town decorated their cars and met up, they then proceeded around town honking and waving. Kids and even adults’ days were made, it brought happiness during a dark, scary time. I have learned that this is why I am proud of my hometown and that it is significant to look out for other people during a time like this. 

Despite all the hardship and negatives, this is a time where many came together and that is important to see through all that we lost. I am lucky to have such amazing friends, family and be part of such a caring community. This definitely came into perspective for me while being at home these past couple of weeks. It is a beautiful thing to see how people come together when times get tough. Although all of this is unfortunate and glum, we still have a lot to be thankful for and we cannot forget that. We will get through this because of our strength, similar to how they got through the 1918 pandemic. 

Pictured above is Wizard, the turkey farm dog!!
